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Greg & Michael


Superpowers: Film making; Recalling obscure bands from the 1980s

Weaknesses: Cake; Dips

Superhero/supernatural sidekicks: Lynda Carter and Linda Blair

Crowning glory: His hair


Superpowers: Acting; Having impeccably appropriate outfits for all occasions

Unparalleled skills: Thrifting and finding treasures on sale

Weaknesses: Thrifting; Glassware

Instrument of disguise: Wigs

This entertainment power couple has lived coast to coast collecting friends, fans, and glassware across the country.

As a filmmaker, screenwriter, actor and editor, Greg has made audiences laugh, cry, and recoil. Check out his work (or send him a check) here!

If Michael begins a sentence with "I've told you this story before...." brace yourself as his life is more colorful than the Shakespearean and Dickensian characters he's played. He's "accidentally" danced with Liz Taylor and Molly Ringwald...need I say more?

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