Edgar & Michelle
EDGAR Superpowers: Vinyl hunting; Airline seat picking Kryptonite: Traffic Cloaking Shield: A fabulous hat MICHELLE Superpower: Cat...
Denise & Mel
DENISE Superpower: Slow skating Weakness: She loves a good theme Uncharted territory: The city bus MEL Superpower: Assimilates to any...
Brad & Jason
BRAD Superpower: Calm in chaos Passion: Music Getaway kicks: A pair of Converse JASON Superpower: Bakes up amazing party treats Nemesis:...
CHRISTY Superpowers: Being an international woman of mystery; Talking everyday crazy people off the ledge Crowning glory: Fabulous hair...
Tina & Silke
TINA Superpowers: Talking Fast; Humor; Gesturing wildly Arch Nemeses: Corn; Silence Mode of Getaway: Climbing Irrational fears: Flying;...
MILDRED Superpowers: Looking fabulous and cutting to the chase Nemeses: Idiots; Bad shoes Signature exclamation: Coño! Faithful sidekick:...
CAITLAN Superpowers: Talking to anyone (anyone!); Ability to be zen or zany Nemesis: Boring situations Favorite cloaking shield: Rotating...
Kate & Bill
KATE Superpowers: Extraordinary Haircuts and Colors Weakness: Vintage Knick-knacks Crowning glory: Blonde curls Secret weapon: Hairspray...
Mike & Corrine
MIKE Superpowers: Talking to anyone; Being a dog whisperer Weaknesses: Music documentaries; Texting Superfuel: An artisan beverage...
Alicia & Adrian
ALICIA Superpower: The Kavorka Arch nemesis: Car trouble Cloaking shield: She doesn't need one, she fits in wherever she goes Superfuel:...